Sunday, February 3, 2013

He makes all things new

Spanish School
It seems that I'm eating and sleeping and dreaming Spanish these days!  Mornings are filled with classes and afternoons with homework.  I'm understanding more and more reluctant to speak out because now I know how incorrectly I'm saying things!  Students from all over the world,  taking classes for all sorts of reasons come for a week and are gone or stay on because they're exchange students or vacationing...diversity is the name of the game!
After a week of cabbage soup cleanse!
We three challenged ourselves to do this crazy cleanse and survived!  It went well with the week of school pressure:  Day 1--fruit, Day 2--vegetables, Day 3--fruit & veggies & baked potatoe, Day 4--bananas & milk, Day 5--beef & tomatoes, Day 6--beef & veggies, Day 7--brown rice, fruit juice & veggies with every day eating as much of the cabbage (yuck!) soup concoction as we want (want?!) Day 8--wine & chocolate!!  Do I feel better?  Yes!  Now that it's done!  Love handles don't fill the hands as much either!
How we love Mela & Sabri & fresh juice!
Field trip to the President's house!

It's February--Valentine's month of love.  We're taking turns speaking at a youth group, and I got to go first--speaking on my favorite subject of identity--loving ourselves!  Had it all planned out, then during worship Holy Spirit ripped it up and gave me new direction.  This reluctant speaker was freedom-filled, the good news flowed and I even had fun!  It's amazing when you give up, He comes with such peace and power and such a better plan!
 God doesn't call the equipped; He equips the called!

Art cards + roses=Plaza Foch outreach preparation for Feb. 14
Doors have opened for us to spend Friday nights in Plaza Foch--a party area/red light district of the city.  Carly has been building relationships for months there.  Some more of us plan to be the area to pray, worship, prophecy, and walk through any doors that are open.

Often we are called to things that seem impossible.
In an area of feeling unqualified, willingness to obey is what God desires.
Emmanuel is with each of us, and immediately we are qualified.
All fear bows to His holy name as the God of always possible
shines gloriously through!

View out my kitchen window at our current home sweet home.
Living/dining room

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