Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fiestas de Quito

Fiesta de Quito is a weeklong celebration of the foundation of the city of Quito in 1534.  The city parties big time!  We helped with makeup for the girls in the prison who presented a program for their families and friends.  So much fun to celebrate with them!

The girls spent weeks practicing their dances--their
performance was great fun!
Mixture of emotions:
excitement..."I'm ready to be seen and celebrated"...
 anxiety, sadness ..."No one came for me"...
anger, emptiness..."You leave, I'm here"...
Makeup preparation for the big event!

We brought music, stories and turkey dinner to the boys in the prison, and as always they're so appreciative.  I love how they shout my name when they see me and ask for their mama kiss and hug during our visits.   There are times when one will share their story in Spanish, and their words are lost in translation, but I know that listening is a big deal, loving is a big deal, and I can do that.

Justice at its best is love
correcting everything that stands against love.
(Martin Luther King Jr.)
Dwell on the beauty of life.
Watch the stars and see yourself running with them.

Turkey dinner for the girls at the safe home, Nuestro Jovenes.  We cut out snowflakes--such an elementary activity that takes on new meaning when encouraging abused girls to delight in their uniqueness, their beauty and value.  We ate, sang Christmas songs and finally cried together as we parted, knowing that when I return in five weeks, many of them will be gone--moved home or just on, each girl imprinted on my heart forever.  If this home closes, then what?  The urgency of Casa Mis Suenos coming to life burns stronger than ever.

Nuestros Jovenes crew
Captivating.  Beautiful.  One of a kind.  Beloved.  Chosen.
Accepted.  Adopted.
He rescues the poor at the first sign of need,
 the destitute who have run out of luck.
 He opens a place in His heart for the down-and-out,
He restores the wretched of the earth.
 He frees them from the tyranny and torture--
when they bleed, He bleeds;
 when they die, He dies.

 Ps. 72:13-14
Casa Mis Suenos planning board elegant
Christmas brunch hosted by Natalie

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December Dreamin'

I'll be leaving this time next Sunday for 5 weeks--away from Quito, away from the faces and language and culture I've come to love, away from the girls who are learning that they can dare to dream dreams above and beyond what seems real.

We watched the movie "Rapunzel" with the Nuestro Jovenes girls.  There is a connection...Rapunzel was taken and held captive for a long time.  She wasn't abused but she was lied to about who she was (a princess) and about what she could be and experience in her life.  She could have caved in and believed the lies, but she didn't.  She broke out of captivity and went searching for her dream with a happy ending!  Many of the girls just dream of getting out of prison or the safe home, back with their families or "boyfriends".  That will happen, but then what?  What's the dream after that?  One by one, they risked sharing..."I want to design and sell clothes...I want to be business woman, a lawyer...I want to be a vet because I love animals...a choreographer and gymnist...I want to play a a wife and mom..."  They are learning to dream, and it makes them come alive.

Happy talk, keep talkin' happy talk!  Talk about things you like to do! 
 You've got to have a dream!  If you don't have a dream,
 how you gonna have a dream come true...(song from South Pacific musical)

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill 
of things unknown but longed for still 
and his tune is heard  on the distant hill 
for the caged bird sings of freedom. 
    We will be moving soon!  Our museum home that we've grown so fond of will have a family member moving in on December 20.  We have a few leads on places, one of which is downtown Quito--more like a hotel feel which comes complete with housekeeping!  Nowhere will we have the spaciousness that we've had here!  We'll be relearning neighborhoods and bus routes, but that's just more adventure to come!
Saturday Jorge and Sabrina drove us to Otavalo market about a 2-hour drive from here.  Jorge was a once-upon-a-time  race car driver, and the experience with him driving felt exactly like we were on the race track!!   Sabrina's sister and family, husband Sebas and adorable children Elias & Paz (Peace:) drove in another car...Jorge & Sebas raced the whole way!  Talk about adrenaline on those narrow, winding, under-construction mountain roads!

We went to two different markets:  One was for the sale of animals--cows, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, dogs, guinea pigs, on leashes, in cages or baskets and crowds of people--the sounds and smells and sights overloaded the senses.  The other was more touristy!  Oh, how I loved both of them!  The photos here will have to tell the story best!

Otavalo Mercado

Tere, Elias & Paz with bunnies
Yes, we sampled these crunchy insects!
Beautiful Ecuadorianos!

National Geographic photographer I am!

Our beloved Jorge & Sabri!

Oh, Ecuador, this 5-week separation will be bittersweet!  Montana at Christmas will be rich family time as always, a refuge to be savored every time I'm there.  Ecuador is growing me in brand new ways, painful at times, but profoundly deep and purposeful.  The journey is truly the destination, and it is so very joyful!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Dr. Jeff Visit

I missed writing last week!  I hope you missed me too!  For some reason WordPress won't let me log into my blog; and long story short I'm choosing to continue my story on Blogspot this time.  So I'll pick up with where I left off!

Amazing corner of the world!
On Saturday, November 17 we 3 chicas traveled with Marisol, her daughter 23 year old daughter Mayra and her boyfriend Pedro to the beautiful town of Banos (which literally means "baths, not bathrooms":)  I posted an album on Facebook with some great photos!  It was a long trip and a short stay, and I'd love to return someday soon!

This week has been an extremely power-filled week.  On the bus ride to our Girls Prison visit a teenage girl threw herself into the seat beside me, grabbed my hand and started making me hit her!  For the next 30 minutes I prayed over her, affirmed and assured her as she cried in my arms one minute, smiled empty smiles the next, and fell asleep in my lap the next.  She had something seriously going on mentally or only answer was love...

I brought my watercolors for our 5 girls at the prison to play teaching...just prayed and asked them to paint what they were feeling inside.  They soaked in the sun listening to Kari Jobi's Spanish worship and then shared what they painted and what they had felt during and after the process.  Holy Spirit is on the move and revealing lots to them.  Art is going to be a key to help set girls free!  So excited to watch creativity come alive in them!

We were born to create!

Greg & Kristen & their 2-year old son Zion are moving here...a vibrant young kingdom-come couple who we'll be working alongside.  He spoke at the boys prison about how God sees each of them and their potential, that the dreams they have can come true if they choose to believe in and assume responsibility for them...Hope needs to stay alive for their lives to change.  Their response was so hunger-filled!

Joy International  Please click on this site!!!!!!!!  Jeff is a friend of Ellie's from Colorado.  He has devoted his life to the rescue, restoration, reintegration and prevention of children forced into the child sex trade.  Ellie asked him about how to effectively set up a safe home, and he chose to travel to Ecuador in person to help us!  He's a man who travels the world to speak passionately about the crime of human trafficking.  He shared with the staff at Nuestras Jovenes and then with the girls themselves with an incredibly positive response.  He spoke with the overseer of this same foundation only to find out she is planning to close it by the end of the year!  Her heart was totally disconnected from these girls lives.  Well, you know what we say...."No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  And within the hours I've been working on this blog, miracles are happening from lawyers working donating time to help with Casa Mis Suenos bi- laws, to houseparent possibilities coming into vie, to the truth of Nuestras Jovenes closing being untrue, and more dreams continue to unfold!   The experiences Jeff has shared with us has moved us to tears and into action.  There's no turning back!

Our Thanksgiving meal found 14 of us around the table with beautiful friends that are so very dear to my heart.  I was in charge of the turkey and stuffing which turned out delicious!  No cranberries to be found here, sweet potatoes were white and purple and pumpkin came with a green shell, not orange!
We individually shared thanks which ended in outrageous "saluds" with upraised glasses!  How great to join in giving thanks to the One who gave it all for us!  I am so very thankful for all of you, my family and friends, near and far, new and "old":)!

Great is Your faithfulness!