We had 23 of the most radical lovers from Bethel, CA invade our world for two wonderful weeks. We hit the ground running, and never ceased to be amazed by the love and power that flowed through every one of them. I felt refreshed and revitalized having them around...truly the atmosphere shifted and joy followed us around everywhere!
The girls of the Justice team on Teleferico |
They flew in the night I returned from Peru. The next day we all met and they prayed for and prophesied over every leader and translator that would be involved in the next two weeks of glory! Jennifer Toledo shared her "Weeping Room" story, which has totally revolutionizeded lives when she shares her revelation of the heart of the Father towards justice. (google T
he Weeping Room utube by Jennifer Toledo)
They experienced Plaza Foch (party/red light district), bringing food, roses, art, prophecy, love, prayer, miracles to the poor, the sick, the prostitutes, the bouncers, the party-ers, and the searching several nights during their stay. It's a place we've visited weekly, praying for revival and revelation, restoration and reclamation of this area of Quito. The team brought encounters to so many and of course, received such joy in return.
Prophetic art card making at the Magic Bean |
The team was active in several different churches and home groups, bringing the Kingdom of love, joy and peace--the supernatural lifestyles they all wear so well. So many believers experienced the more of God and all He is and does.
They totally rocked the young people in the prisons...so many have been changed forever after their feet were washed and their hearts renewed. The beautiful girls whom we've worked with for months were so open to receive more of His grace and goodness, and they simply unfolded in His presence with faces washed with tears from His loving touch.
Genesis 7 (the after school feeding program) received a fresh paint job at their hands after all 150 kids were fed, and our little mountain people were freshly bathed and abundantly loved on more than ever. The city was prayed over from high places--from Teleferico, Panecillo and Mitad del Mundo--oh, how He hears us when we cry out and He longs to heal our land. The boys rescued off the streets, living at Casa Gabriel, the kids from the special needs school, the safe home girls out of trafficking all received the love of the Father and it permeated through the hearts of these wounded youth.
Praying at Mitad del Mundo
Center of the world |
Praying at Panecillo--the statue that blesses the affluent
north and turns its back on the less prosperous south |
Jason & Zac shaving one of our mountain friends |
Time at Pachamama Hacienda was not what we have experienced as a rest day of food and horseback riding and walking the verdant hillsides. They hiked extensively and weeded the gardens and had little time left after that to enjoy riding and resting. We were enjoying Mela & Vini's wedding that day!
Pachamama weeders |
Vini & Mela's wedding day |
Sabri, Maria Teresa, Mela, Luis & Teri Toledo,
my family in Quito |
The team split in two--one half going into the jungle and the other to Guayaquil, the second largest city in Ecuador to minister at a Supernatural Family Conference that their leader led. And finally we traveled together to Mindo to enjoy ziplines, tubing, butterflies, canyoning and the spa (my first time!) before packing up their souveniers and memories and flying back to California.
Radical rafting! |
Revival absolutely touched down in Ecuador! It infiltrated businesses, churches, homes, dark streets, schools, everywhere--love came down and healed and restored brokenness, unlocked prison doors setting captives free. Justice--restoration of every violation of love--was being served. Loving the one in front of us matters, it changes things in a most powerful way; indeed it looks like something these revivalists brought to this land I've come to love so very much.
Quiet time with Naty |
And now...on May 2...I leave Ecuador, bound for Alaska and family and friends I have so loved and missed. This season closes and a new one begins. Transition--always time for those mixed emotions held in tension...all a part of the journey, with nothing wasted. Great is His faithfulness!